Baked Ones!

baked oyster bar restaurant french quarter new orleans louisiana usa

I haven’t had as many oysters as I’ve had on this trip. First it was (deep) fried ones, now, finally, baked ones. I’ve been looking to try the latter since I left home. On our final day in New Orleans, it came a reality, at the Royal House Oyster Bar in the French Quarter. When it turned out they had different kinds on the menu, and I couldn’t decide on which ones I wanted, our waitress told me she could combine all three of them, so I didn’t have to choose. Perfect! Parmesan butter cheese filling. Seafood stuffing. Sautéed spinach, bacon, and sambuca. And two of each 🙂 My favourite was definitely the one with the Parmesan butter cheese filling. To my surprise, because I’ve always said I don’t like Parmesan cheese 😀 In addition to finally having my oyster wish come true, it happened in great surroundings. Out on the balcony, with nice street views. The floor is sloping, so hold on to the tableware 🙂 Even though we enjoyed ourselves, there were things that didn’t impress. We waited a long time for our food. When we enquired, it turned out the cooks had forgotten about the order…, or so she said. Our waitress also never showed up with my friend’s refill, which she offered. And my friend definitely needed it, in my opinion, she never complained, because the alligator po’ boy she got, was the “driest” sandwich I’ve ever seen. I guess the lesson learned is, try baked oysters, find a nice French Quarter balcony to sit outside on, maybe just not at the Royal House Oyster Bar…


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2 thoughts on “Baked Ones!

  1. Oh my gosh, yum!! I love getting a sampling of different flavors, because I can never choose haha That bacon and spinach one though – wow!!

    1. Yes, this was perfect for me too, because I couldn’t make up my mind 🙂 Fun to try other than raw ones.

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