Sculpture Garden @ NOMA

visit sculpture garden museum new orleans louisiana usa

I love travel blogs! Where I get tips like this, on the incredible sculpture garden at New Orleans Museum of Art. I most likely wouldn’t have come across it otherwise. And that would have been a shame! With 64 pieces to choose from, it was not hard finding interest grabbing ones, and having a good time. These days I’ve discovered myself liking more somewhat quirky creations than traditional art, so then this was perfect! The garden is not particularly big, and it’s free of charge, so it won’t cost you too much time or any money – a perfect treat for someone on a budget and a tight schedule 🙂

You can easily reach the NOMA on the city tram car. Get off at the end station, and you’ll where you need to be. We decided to hop on on our way back. A nice way to see more of the city heading downtown.

More on New Orleans.


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2 thoughts on “Sculpture Garden @ NOMA

    1. Yes, realising I’m doing that too 🙂 And to get a better insight into whether or not a place is worth putting on the list.

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