The Berbusmel Brothers

where to have coffee berbusmel cafe bakery bodo norway

While I was hunting for street art pieces in Bodø, I happened upon this place as I turned around. Perfect timing, coz I was in the mood for something to warm up on. Was a bit hesitant at first, it looked kind of full, but that was just from the outside. This is a bakery/cafe is a lot bigger than what it appears like at first glance. The space is actually so big and airy that the cozy vibe you might want, is not there. But, hey, I can adjust, at least when I get quality cinnamon bun like this! Such a soft, little thing! A lot happier with this choice than the one I made the day before, which was just too healthy :D, a bit dry and boring. Brødrene Berbusmel is run by two brothers, a baker and a cook, who focus on local produce and traditions. In this same space they offer a selection of delicacies. I didn’t take a close look, but I spotted non-local products, so there might be both to take home.


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