Easter Island Central

what to do see hanga roa easter island chile

Hanga Roa is the main settlement on Easter Island. It’s not big, but it has still managed to pack in a decent amount of things, to make sure you have all you need. A main street, with mostly souvenir shops, grocery stores, tour operators, car rental services, and a few restaurants. A modest square. Library. Church. Football pitch. A bit of street art. Wild horses… The best though, is the waterfront, giving you from furtherest away stunning views of the rugged and sharp teeth coastline; a rock pool for safe swimming, while the surfers take on the waves crashing in; restaurants after restaurants; a small harbor, where turtles can be spotted – I had not such fortune 🙁 ; a different looking cemetery; a string of moais, and at the total opposite end, the optimal sunset viewing spot. And luck struck! On the last evening we got a lovely sunset to send us off, back to mainland Chile. Since my tour company never picked me up for my sunrise at Ahu Tongariki, this was very much welcomed 🙂

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6 thoughts on “Easter Island Central

    1. Super! Yes, I didn’t know much either, before I talked to a former colleague of mine, and realised you stay on the island, I thought it was something you visited on a cruise or something 😀 When I started my research, I was surprised as to how “developed” things were.

    1. Yes, it is kind of off the beaten track, though those planes which land twice a day are packed 😀 Thanks!

  1. I didn’t make it to Easter Island when I was in Chile. There certainly is a lot to see in Chile so I ran out of time. The sunset photo is beautiful.

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