The Baha’i Faith

baha'i house of worship church temple panama city panama

I hadn’t heard about the Baha’i faith before doing my Panama research. When I read that their temple in Panama City resembled an alien spaceship, and was Latin America’s first Baha’i house of worship, I was sold 🙂 And what a cool thing to add to the list! With not many people visiting, it became a very peaceful place. A beautiful garden with great views of the area surrounding the hilltop. And, of course, the striking shape of the temple – love it! Anybody is allowed inside. Just not take photos and chat. Chatting, no problem, I’m all by myself. Taking photos, no problem, not much inside to shoot 🙂 Sitting down on the benches, no talking and no picture taking, you feel a soothing calmness, magnified by the breeze blowing through the glassless windows. So happy I decided to go, because I was about to discard it. If you want to know more about the Baha’i faith, there were people ready to enlighten you at a small building on the other side of the parking lot, just as you get off the shuttle.

Getting there was pretty straight forward. Take the metro to the San Isidro station. Head for the exit. Make sure you exit across the bridge that crosses the road. Walk down the stairs, and after a few meters, you’ll find the shuttle stop. Don’t mix it up with the regular bus stop that’s also there, like I did 🙂 With the help of a man running a curbside stall, his family and Google Translate, I was able to identify the side street, with black and gold gate, the running up the hill to the temple, and the huge sign with shuttle times on 🙂 It being a while until the next shuttle, I hung out with my newfound friends 🙂 I could have walked up, but being unfamiliar with the place, I decided not to. I should have walked down, but it hit me too late, in the shuttle already on the way.

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10 thoughts on “The Baha’i Faith

  1. I visited the Baha’i temple in Samoa and it looked similar to the one you show here in Panama. It had beautiful gardens and it was also a very tranquil place.

    1. It’s one in Samoa as well? One comment told me about a lotus one in India. That sounds like something I’d wanna see 🙂

  2. It definitely looks like a spaceship. I don’t know anything about the Baha’i faith but there’s a Baha’i temple not too far from where I live. #farawayfiles

    1. It does 😀 It is? And where is that? From the comments I’ve been told about one in India and one in Samoa. They keep popping up – love it!

  3. That certainly does look like a spaceship doesn’t it? I love how you always find things off the beaten path. #farawayfiles

  4. How interesting, I really don’t know much about the Baha’i faith. It really does resemble an alien spaceship!

  5. I have been to Baha’i temple in India. And that’s how I learnt about the religion. I agree it s so calming and soothing to sit inside in absolute quiet. The one in India looks like Lotus and is called the Lotus temple. I would love to visit this one in.

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