Smoking It Up

man mo temple incense hong kong island

The Man Mo Temple complex on Hong Kong Island was called one of the most atmospheric temples in the city by my Rough Guide, so no doubt I had to go have a look at the top of the steep Ladder Street. If atmospheric refers to the pretty heavy smoke produced by the fairly big coils of incense hanging from the ceiling, it is definitely atmospheric 🙂 That was a decent amount of smoke, but a striking feature. Otherwise the complex consisting of three separate, relatively small buildings, is quickly done.

man mo temple incense hong kong island

man mo temple incense hong kong island

6 thoughts on “Smoking It Up

  1. Wow, that is some incense! I’m not a big fan, so I think I might be grateful that this isn’t a time consuming attraction. #farawayfiles

    1. I’m not much of an incense person, so to me it was a bit too much staying in there for a longer while.

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